Ad Nauseam: A game about advertising

Ad Nauseam is a game about advertising. Destroy pesky timesheets, dodge client feedback, avoid volatile projects, and finally show the Creative Director how effective your ideas really are.


Hollywood stereotypes have always been easy to poke fun of. But with the WGA and SAG-AFTRA strikes putting everything on hold, we pray, now more than ever, for them to pump life back into the industry.

Give Em’ Helvetica

Eric Hutner is a graphic designer afflicted by a condition known as Type Blindness, this is his story.

Mingle’s House

Mingle is an inter-dimensional scavenger who scours the vast expanses of time and space for objects to bring pleasure and joy to mankind!

Have a break from Mansplaining

Gender inequality can be spotted in culture, tradition and language. A Pakistani copywriter and an Indian art director, working in Germany, got thinking when they heard someone say, “Ich brauche die Männerwerkzeug, I need the men’s tools” or, “Das ist ein Männerarbeit, This is men’s work”.

Sign to Stay

Every week 125 people in the UK take their own lives. 17.6 of those people are deaf or hearing impaired. and yet, the majority of mental health and suicide prevention focuses on telephone hotlines.

EXPANSION – Lexington’s Psychedelic Experience

EXPANSION is Lexington, KY’s Psychedelic Experience and Music Festival. We pride ourselves on being just as visually-stunning as the music that’s on stage. Lexington has a great, tight-knit creative community of musicians and visual artists and the event gives them both a platform to showcase their work.

Vomit Comics

One fine day I sat on my stoop, attempting to “live in the present” – as all the hustle-culture articles said I should be doing – while absorbing some much needed Vitamin D.