Andrew Weissman
Retired pop punk kid. Notorious dad-dancer. The kind of guy who orders the seafood at McDonald’s. Definitely not three kids in one large trench coat. I live on one of those New York blocks where nobody picks up their dog shit. My strongest father figure growing up was Solid Snake from the Metal Gear Solid video game franchise. Prior work experience includes selling burglar alarms and working on The Sopranos. At age thirty I decided to burn my sales suits and become a writer. When I walk around a new city, I read the billboards as well as the graffiti. I’m from a maze island of shopping centers and card stores. I’m from everywhere I’ve ever heard a story told about. I believe that writing copy is adding maximum impact to every square inch of your word count real estate. Looking the wrong way is my secret weapon. I live for gnarly, thorny creative challenges coming across my desk.