In early March, COVID-19 hit New York and everything changed. Bars and restaurants were closing their doors, gig workers were out of a job, and people all over the city were trying to figure out ways to help.

Knowing people would be staying home and using public transit less, we got the idea to put that unused MTA fare to use, and Swipes for Good was born.

Everyday for the next 3 months, we encouraged New Yorkers to donate the amount they would normally spend on a weekly MTA fare ($33) to local businesses affected by COVID-19. Either through a donation, a takeout order, or buying merch…we created a way for people to help keep the lights on in the city that never sleeps. Swipes for Good turned into a resource to help people find out which restaurants were offering delivery or where to get the best thing to come out of this pandemic…to-go cocktails. We also supported Feeding the Frontlines in their efforts to keep our doctors and nurses fed and caffeinated during this difficult time.

There’s no way to know how much money we helped raise for these businesses, but the outpouring of thanks we received from business owners was enough to make the effort totally worth it.