In a world increasingly lacking in dialogue, communication and justice, together we (Lana, Débora and Fernanda) wanted to democratize access to content that contributes to a greater awareness of the fact that we build justice in our daily lives, change the idea that these subjects are be monopolies of an institution, and create a space for dialogue.

In Brazil, considering the absurd political scenario experienced in the pandemic, we started the podcast PapoDebs, which is the first one in our country that addresses Restorative Justice, and features Débora, as the host, who is a dialogue facilitator and a specialist in conflicts and justice by the EMU (Virginia).

In each episode, two people are invited to tell their stories and debate about justice, coexistence and new possibilities for dealing with conflicts. Considering our concern with democratization, people from the most diverse areas, races, cities throughout Brazil are invited, including quilombola populations.

Our goal is to more and more, bring these matters to people’s every day conversations and that, in our differences, we can dialogue to build better paths in our country.

PapoDebs is an independent, self funded project, but right now we are looking for ways to get financial support so that we can make this project even bigger and reach more people.

Here is our description on spotify:
“You don’t need to be a judge or go to law school to talk about justice. It is part of your dailylife, more than you think.
In a society that urgently needs to rethink the way we interact, the proposal here is to talk about restorative justice, coexistence and social transformation in a sincere and relaxed way, just like a good conversation should be.
So grab your coffee, get comfortable and play!”