Creativity for Kindness is a platform that connects creatives with nonprofits to offer pro bono creative services. Having lived and worked in a number of cities, including Mumbai, London, San Francisco, and New York, I’ve been exposed to various types of societal challenges facing different parts of the world.
As an advertising creative, I appreciate the powerful impact of the work we do and I have always felt an urge to use my talents for good. Noticing that smaller nonprofits don’t often have the resources for high-quality marketing and design, I recognized an opportunity where I could help. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, I saw it exacerbate many existing world issues, as well as create new ones. I felt an urgency to launch Creativity for Kindness.
I formed Creativity for Kindness as a way of giving back to the community using our best talents, and promoting kindness in the industry. Over the past few months we have accumulated almost 150 global creatives and 8 global clients ranging from mental health organizations to nature/animal conservancies.
Our projects have included art direction, design, copywriting, UX design, illustration and more. It’s been an extremely rewarding experience and we’re constantly growing. The aim is for the platform to live on beyond the COVID-19 crisis and for it to become a permanent resource to nonprofit organizations.