We are freelancers. We also teach how to freelance.

A few years back an agency hired us to work together on a new business pitch. Over our lunch breaks we realized we were both getting asked out over and over for a coffee or a beer to give advice on how to successfully freelance.  And were each sharing similar advice.

We created Mt. Freelance to put everything we have learned over three decades of combined freelancing in one place. Everything from how to make a website that gets you the work you want, to how to change, what charge and how to effectively negotiate so you get it. 

We also know freelance can be lonely. We don’t have co-workers we can turn to, much less a boss to give to us a raise or a project manager to keep track of deadlines and invoices. So we created the Mt. Freelance community to help our members support each other with advice, website feedback and yes, even work. 

So far we’ve helped thousands of freelancers make more money, get the work they really want and change the way they freelance for the better. We’d love to help you too.”
– Aaron James & Andrew Dickson, Founders