What You Do is Not Who You Are

Originally published on LinkedIn in November, 2022.

Don’t forget, what you do is not who you are.

I am so disheartened by the huge swaths of people losing their jobs on our feeds. Not just big tech layoffs, every lay off, from individuals who work in small businesses to mid-size firms and entrepreneurs who have had to shutter their doors.

But remember this…

Your job title. Your salary. Your company. It is not your identity, but part of who you are. Your sense of worth is not derived from career choices, but things outside of that. 

In our society, so much onus is placed on our jobs. It’s no surprise that when people ask, “what do you do?” Your go-to answer is a job title: social media director, CEO, and the founder of XYZ company.

Invite yourself to answer differently, say you go surfing before people awake, you’re taking a stab at stand up comedy, you’re learning to be a dog parent, a real parent, parenting yourself on adulting. Anything you find meaning in beyond your Linkedin job description, that’s who you are.

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